Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare-


Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare- (English Patch)

Currently in progress

Summary: The protagonist, Fiona lived in a secluded tower due to her fragile health. There is turmoil in the country and a severe disease outbreak known as Zodiva or “Mad Wolf Disease”. Mejojo was interested in Fiona due to her upbringing and wanted to take her as his bride, but Fiona’s father refused. There are now rumours in town saying Fiona is a witch- Mejojo and Auger uses this to their advantage and arrest her, so that they can “observe” her while she lives in the castle. Eventually, Fiona’s half-brother (Nesso) and butler (Zara) rescue her and they escape together.
The emphasis of the story is on a dark/historical/political fantasy where humans, wolves, cats and other animals are being ruled by two very crafty feline tyrants. Due to various oppressions the cat twins faced in their childhood including assassination attempts, they learned how to survive and gain power- but they were also driven towards insanity. There is nothing they won’t do to get what they want. (VNDB)

Hello, hello! I'm back and ready to reveal my next project! As you can tell, my next project is to create an actual patch for the game "Black Wolves Saga -Bloody Nightmare-". I am well aware that orlandoblue has already completely translated the game through VNR, but VNR can be a bit finicky and unreliable as some people are unable to properly access the translations, and the entire server has gone down in the past before, so who knows what'll happen in the future. I have received proper permission from orlandoblue, Siberia, and blackicejester to use their translations on VNR and to create a patch from them. My original plan was to simply move their translations from VNR to the game scripts, but Siberia has very generously provided her updated translations for the majority of the game's scripts, so that's what I will be using. For the rest of the scripts, I will refer back to VNR. Anything I use from VNR, I will make sure to credit in the final post!
I actually started this entire project during the summer but didn't post anything until now because I wanted to test how well I would fare once school and work slammed me up against a wall. Seeing that I'm still making progress, I thought it'd be about time to make it official!
That's all I have to say for now, I'll update again if I have any more announcements :)

If anyone's up for testing for bugs or weird text errors, let me know.

Here's a few snippets from the beginning:

Progress update: Currently still on the main/common route scripts, holidays are coming up so I'm hoping to make much more progress then since I'll only have to deal with work. (11/14/2020)

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